Top Amsterdam Traveling Tips: Experience the City Right

The best tips that you can find that will make your Amsterdam trip unforgettable!





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What hidden gems and money saving advice should be on your Amsterdam traveling tips list? Get insights even guidebooks don’t offer!

Are you planning a trip to Amsterdam, the picturesque capital of the Netherlands? With its charming canals, historic architecture, and vibrant cultural scene, Amsterdam offers a unique and captivating experience for travelers.

To make the most of your visit, it’s important to be well-prepared. Here are some essential tips and things you must know before traveling to Amsterdam.

Amsterdam Traveling Secrets: Must-Know Tips for Your Dream Trip

 1. Weather Considerations:

Before packing your bags, it’s crucial to understand Amsterdam’s weather patterns. The city experiences a moderate maritime climate, meaning it can be quite unpredictable.

Be prepared for rain at any time of the year and pack layers to accommodate the changing temperatures.

The best months to travel to Amsterdam largely depend on your preferences for weather, events, and crowd levels. Here’s a breakdown of the different seasons to help you decide when to visit:

1. Spring (April – May): Spring is a popular time to visit Amsterdam due to its pleasant weather and the famous blooming of tulips in Keukenhof Gardens, located just outside the city.

The temperatures start to warm up, and the city’s parks and canals come to life with vibrant colors. However, this is also a busy tourist season, so expect larger crowds.

2. Summer (June – August): Summer is a peak tourist season in Amsterdam.

The weather is generally warm and pleasant, making it ideal for outdoor activities and exploring the city’s canals and parks.

Numerous festivals, outdoor markets, and events take place during these months.

Keep in mind that the city can get quite crowded, and accommodations may be more expensive.

3. Fall (September – October): Early fall is a great time to visit Amsterdam. The weather is still relatively mild, and the city experiences fewer crowds compared to the summer months.

The fall foliage adds a picturesque charm to the canals and streets. September also brings the start of cultural events and exhibitions.

4. Winter (November – February): Winter is the off-peak tourist season in Amsterdam.

While the weather is colder and the days are shorter, there’s a unique and cozy atmosphere during this time. The city’s canals might freeze over, offering the opportunity for ice skating.

Christmas markets and holiday lights add a festive touch. Plus, you can enjoy fewer crowds and potentially find better deals on accommodations.

It’s important to consider your preferences and priorities when choosing the best time to visit Amsterdam. If you enjoy mild weather and blooming flowers, spring might be your preferred season. If you’re a fan of outdoor festivals and activities, summer could be the right time.

Alternatively, if you prefer a quieter experience and don’t mind the cold, winter can offer a charming and unique visit.

2. Transportation:

Amsterdam is a city best explored on foot, by bike, or via its extensive public transportation system.

Biking is a popular and eco-friendly mode of transport, with dedicated bike lanes throughout the city. If you plan to use public transport, consider getting an “OV-chipkaart” for easy access to trams, buses, and trains.

Using Amsterdam’s transportation system can be easy and convenient once you familiarize yourself with the options available. Here’s a guide on how to navigate the city’s transport system easily:

Public Transportation:

– Trams: Amsterdam has an extensive tram network that covers most parts of the city. Trams are a great way to move around, especially for short distances within the city center.
– Buses: Buses complement the tram network and can take you to areas that trams might not


– Metro: Amsterdam has four metro lines that connect different parts of the city, including some areas outside the city center.
– OV-chipkaart: This contactless smart card is the key to using public transportation in Amsterdam. You can load credit onto the card and use it to tap in and out of trams, buses, and the metro. It’s available for purchase at stations and can be topped up online or at ticket machines.


– Amsterdam is known as a bike-friendly city with dedicated bike lanes and a cycling culture. Renting a bike is a fantastic way to explore the city like a local. Many rental shops are available throughout the city.


– Amsterdam’s city center is relatively compact, making it perfect for exploring on foot. Many of the city’s major attractions, shops, and restaurants are within walking distance of each other.


– The city’s free ferry services, operated by GVB, connect different parts of Amsterdam, including Amsterdam Noord. These ferries offer scenic views of the city’s waterfront.

Amsterdam City Card:

– Consider getting an “I Amsterdam City Card” if you plan to use public transportation extensively. This card offers unlimited access to trams, buses, and the metro for a set number of days, along with free or discounted entry to many attractions.

Apps and Google Maps:

– Using navigation apps like our  app “Tips around me” and Google Maps can make getting around Amsterdam easier.

These apps provide information about public transportation routes, schedules, and walking directions.

Plan Ahead:

– Familiarize yourself with the city’s transportation map and routes before you start your journey. Plan your routes and transfers to make your travels smoother.

Peak Hours:

– Public transportation can get crowded during rush hours (typically 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM and 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM). If possible, avoid traveling during these times.

Ticket Validity:

– Ensure your OV-chipkaart is properly loaded and has sufficient credit before you start your journey. Remember to check in and out for each mode of transportation.

Ask for Help:

– If you’re ever unsure about which tram, bus, or metro line to take, don’t hesitate to ask locals or transport staff for assistance. Most people in Amsterdam speak English and are willing to help.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to navigate Amsterdam’s transportation system with ease, allowing you to explore the city’s charming streets, canals, and attractions conveniently.

3. Cultural Etiquette:

Respect for local customs is essential. When greeting someone, a simple handshake is customary.

Also, when visiting places of worship or historical sites, dress modestly as a sign of respect.

4. Language:

While Dutch is the official language, most locals are fluent in English, making communication easy for travelers. Learning a few basic Dutch phrases can still be appreciated by the locals.

5. Currency:

The currency used in Amsterdam is the Euro (€).

Make sure to have some cash on hand for smaller purchases, as not all places accept credit cards, you can find some “change” shops inside the airport that you are playing from.

6. Cannabis Laws:

Amsterdam is known for its relaxed stance on the sale and consumption of cannabis.

However, it’s important to note that there are specific regulations surrounding its use. Only purchase from licensed “coffee shops,” and be mindful of public consumption laws.

7. Museum Visits:

Amsterdam is home to numerous world-class museums, including the Van Gogh Museum, Rijksmuseum, and Anne Frank House.

To avoid long queues, consider purchasing tickets online in advance.

8. Canal Cruises:

Exploring Amsterdam’s picturesque canals is a must-do activity.

Opt for a canal cruise to see the city from a different perspective. Evening cruises offer stunning views of illuminated bridges and buildings.

9. Safety Precautions:

Amsterdam is generally safe, but like any popular tourist destination, it’s important to stay vigilant against pickpocketing. Keep your belongings secure and avoid displaying valuable items.

10. Tipping:

Tipping is not mandatory in the Netherlands, as service charges are typically included in bills. However, rounding up the bill or leaving a small tip for excellent service is appreciated.

11. Local Cuisine:

Indulge in traditional Dutch treats such as stroopwafels (thin waffles with caramel syrup), haring (raw herring fish), and bitterballen (deep-fried snacks). Don’t forget to try the rich Dutch cheeses and enjoy a meal at a “brown café” for an authentic experience.

12. City Card Options:

Consider getting an “I Amsterdam City Card,” which provides free or discounted entry to many attractions, unlimited public transport, and special deals at restaurants and shops.


Traveling to Amsterdam promises a blend of rich history, stunning architecture, and unique experiences. By keeping these essential tips in mind, you’ll be well-prepared to explore the city with confidence.

Embrace the local culture, navigate the city’s transportation options, and savor its culinary delights for a truly memorable trip to this captivating European destination.




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